Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is the most important pilgrimage route in Europe and is declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Millions of pilgrims in recent centuries have traveled the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, one of the most important routes of Christianity next to Rome and Jerusalem. Over time, the forms and motivations of this pilgrimage, previously exclusively on foot and always driven by religious faith, have changed a lot. Today the Camino is for anyone who wants to enjoy it on foot, by bicycle or on horseback. The spirituality and magic of the Camino remain intact, and over the centuries, places full of history, magical legends and a first-rate artistic-cultural heritage were forged along the Camino. Towns and cities await us, some of them World Heritage Sites. The Camino also means knowing changing landscapes, from the green of the mountains in the Pyrenees to the roaring of the Atlantic in Galicia. Mountain passes, fertile valleys, lonely villages, markets, fairs, etc. will appear naturally at our pace.

Our company offers its groups all the necessary services for the correct development for this type of group travel. Below, we present some of the routes that can be followed to reach Santiago de Compostela.

French Way

Leaving Saint Jean de Pied de Port, in the French Pyrenees, the Camino joins this French town with Santiago de Compostela and is called the French Way. It is the most important and popular pilgrimage axis of the pilgrimage and also the busiest, since all the routes that run through Spain end up coming together at one point or another with it. The layout of this road in Spain and France is declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Camino del Norte

Also known as “Camino de la Costa” or “Camino de Santiago del Norte” is one of the oldest routes. It crosses the Iberian peninsula from east to west, bordering, in a serpentine way, the entire coastal cornice of Cantabria. From Irún to Santiago de Compostela, the northern route covers 824 kilometers. It is the second longest route of the roads that cross Spain to reach the capital of Compostela, behind the Vía de la Plata. The route is divided into 34 stages of approximately 25 kilometers, although many of them exceed 30 kilometers. The final destination of this route, as in all the routes of the Camino de Santiago, is the capital of Compostela.

Portuguese Way

It is the Jacobean path that runs through Portugal from south to north, from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. A total of 620 kilometers divided into 25 stages ranging from 15 to 32 kilometers. Like most itineraries of the Camino de Santiago, the final destination is clear, the tomb of Santiago located in the heart of Galicia. However, the start can be made from anywhere in the Portuguese Way. Each pilgrim chooses from where to begin his pilgrimage, depending on the section he wishes to visit, as well as his available time.

Lisbon is the official start of this itinerary towards Santiago de Compostela. However, Santarém, Coimbra, Oporto and Braga are also common places to start the route, among the pilgrims who choose this path to travel the Camino de Santiago. The old town of Tui, the gateway to Spain from Portugal, is another of the most common starting points. Given its proximity to the capital of Compostela, is one of the favorite starting points among those who have a few days (a long bridge, for example), but want to complete the tour by visiting the tomb of the Apostle.